Usually the procurement products from the overseas is characterized by extremes: High transaction volume, High Labour cost per transaction, large supply base, low transaction values, low service levels and low inventory turns. We access customer needs regarding product quality, prices, punctuality and safety of delivery to further enhance customer satisfaction. Using superior buying power to negotiate with their suppliers OMI clients specific needs are satisfied at the lowest possible prices and at the best terms. OMI has developed a range of services to support your purchasing department with any procurement tasks.

This includes:

  • Decrease Supply bases
  • Reduce Inventory and Material Costs
  • Reduce Purchasing, Accounting and Administrative Labour
  • Freight, Transport and import Costs Reduction
  • Direct Access to products Services and commercial terms Worldwide
  • Implication and Autoimmunization of the purchasing process
  • International Access to Business Opportunities
  • Increased Competitiveness

Our Vision

The Future of Simplifying “TECHNOLOGY”

Our Mission

To server with excellence as a value added partner in the supply chain between the manufacturer and the retailer.

We Serve by:

  • Delivering outstanding value to our customers
  • Bringing in a fair return on our delivered value
  • Diversified comprehensive value added end-to-end supply chain solutions in warehousing, distribution, logistics, sales & marketing, customer service for branded and OEM manufacturers and retailers operating in traditional commerce channels.

We bring to our work

A proud heritage of success, excellence and commitment to our customer’s interests.

We will continue to

  • Remain to the highest standards of ethics and reliability
  • Do our work safely and consistent with responsible environmental principles
  • Create a work environment, supported by leadership, trust, communication, teamwork and satisfaction.
  • Make continuous enhancement and essential part of the work we operate
  • Remain financially prudent with ownership help by active senior management and reward those contributing to our success.

Our Corporate Values

Deliver what we promise
Excellent Performance driven by clear account abilities
Leverage on teamwork for success
Instill integrity and honesty in our work culture.
Environment and safety conscious
Respect for all individuals.